
Respectful Ways to End a Contentious Conversation

One thing we all have in common is that we don’t always agree with one another. Over time we’ve come to accept that there are times when we must respectfully disagree with someone and move forward. Unfortunately, it’s become increasingly difficult to agree to disagree in today’s divided America.Television and social media reflect the strain political disagreements has placed on...[ read more ]

5 Benefits of a Weekly Game Night for Your Mental Health

Our daily lives can get so busy. Obligations to work and family, as well as taking time to care for ourselves, can often make us forget to have a little fun. If the hustle and bustle of modern life has caused you to neglect your playful side, a weekly game night may be just what you need.A game night will...[ read more ]

How to Tell if Therapy is Right for You

When it comes to your physical health, it’s pretty easy to know whether or not you need to see a doctor. If you catch a cold, there’s really no need to make an appointment; however, if you break your ankle, you need to immediately get to an emergency room. But when it comes to your mental and emotional health, things...[ read more ]

4 Things to Ask a Therapist Before Starting Therapy

Meeting with a therapist for the first time can feel frightening and overwhelming. But there are ways to make starting counseling less intimidating. One of those ways is to make sure you’ve chosen a therapist who will be a good fit for you.Before committing to a regular schedule with a therapist, there are 4 questions you should know the answers...[ read more ]

5 Tips for Making Friends in Midlife

For many people, middle age is the catalyst to take stock of life. The kids have flown the coop and there’s more time to reconsider your likes, dislikes, goal, and dreams.Middle age is also the time we tend to look around at our social circles. Are our friendships still there? Have we lost friends due to illness, a move, or...[ read more ]

2010 E Broadway St #130
Pearland, TX 77581

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